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Palmyra Fire Department 27th Annual Fisherman’s Flea Market

The 27th Annual Fisherman’s Flea Market will be held on Sunday February 9th, 2025, at the Charles Street School, 100 West Charles Street, Palmyra, Burlington County NJ 08065.  9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. Admission $5.  Early Admission at 8:00 AM, $10.  Tables $30.  New and Used Equipment. Fresh and Saltwater Gear.  For more information, contact John Miller 609-868-1311.




Members Needed

The Palmyra Fire Department is looking for new members.

The Palmyra Fire Department is an all volunteer organization and responds to approximately 400 calls a year. These range from public assistance calls, such as lock outs and animal rescues, to actual fires in homes, businesses and vehicles in Palmyra and surrounding communities.

These calls can be anytime of the day or night including holidays and weekends.

We also own and maintain our own building on Broad Street in Palmyra. This requires us to have fund raisers during the year including golf outing, a fisherman’s flea market, a basket bingo event and pancake breakfast. We are supported by the Borough of Palmyra for the purchase of fire apparatus and helping with our utility bills, also by the residents via our annual fund drive.

The department will supply new members with all the training and protective clothing, free of charge, to be a certified fire fighter in the State of NJ.

The commitment to be a member will require at least 2 Mondays a month for our drills and one Monday a month for our business meeting. You will be required to make 40% of meetings, fires and drills. There will be opportunities to make up what you miss. There are also various committees that you may be assigned to.

You must pass a physical after going through the interview process. All members must be at least 14 years old and have lived in the tri-borough (Palmyra, Riverton, or Cinnaminson) for at least 3 months.

If you are interested in this opportunity to serve your community, please return the reply card and someone will get back to you to answer any questions or to supply you with an application.

Click here for the application.